Friday, May 25, 2012

Economy passenger airline cabin revamp

Awright - anyone who's spent more than a few hours in a flying tin can has felt how poorly designed the cattle car is. So, on my last interminable flight, I devoted some thought to a revamp. Here's my notion... The primary issue is the amount of legroom and inability to fully recline on longer flights. Answer? Get rid of the overhead storage. Stagger the seats up and down. Those sitting on the upper level (non-handicapped) will climb a set of steps (or ladder) to get to their seat. Instead of overhead storage, there will be storage in the space UNDER the elevated seats. From front to back, and in the standard set of 3 seats, the seats will be staggered up and down. This will allow seats to recline without hitting the seat behind them, because the seat behind them will be at the lower level. This will also allow more leg room. I may have to draw a picture of this layout.

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